Please Support Your Local Militia
Inactive and Nonparticipants, we NEED your help!
Participants are generally volunteers who purchase their uniforms, supplies, gear, guns and ammo. They donated their time and
energy to properly train as part of a well regulated militia and have taken an Oath to serve the people of Utah in their commitment to the
security of a free state.
Active participants of the Militia attend monthly Meet & Greets, are actively involved, or in training.
These honorable men and women welcome your support by serving with them, or by your precious donations to provide for the organization, equipment and discipline
of the militia:
• Venmo: Sorry, the original Venmo account has been CLOSED.
• Checks: Make payable to Thomas Faulkner (acting Treasurer) and Send to:
Faulkner P.O. Box 711561 Salt Lake City, UT 84171
For more information please contact:
Thomas Faulkner
Text: 801-860-4669
Email: Commander @
Donations are used to furnish the resources essential to the mission of the Militia and provide
the required education and resources critical to the Minutemen who defend the Constitution and the people of Utah
from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Your donations will also provide these committed men and women the opportunity to train
with state of the art military equipment which would otherwise be cost prohibitive.